ELDOGENCY® SAS publish Internet websites dedicated to well-being.
The contents and tools supplied by ELDOGENCY® SAS on these websites are available via free or paying access.
These contents and tools are designed for people who are in good health, free from any physical or psychological pathologies and who wish to lose weight for personal comfort reasons.
These contents and tools must not be used by pregnant or nursing women.
ELDOGENCY® SAS users must ensure that they are in good health before subscribing and using these websites.
The choice to start losing weight and the frequency of resorting to this practice is the sole responsibility of the user who is dissatisfied with his body weight.
The company ELDOGENCY® SAS (ELDOLINK® & Slimdoo®) is not a health care professional and the data published on these websites or supplied at the request of the user is only meant as a support to a personal weight-loss effort and does not in any event constitute a diagnostic or medical treatment.
Using the ELDOGENCY® SAS websites and the tools supplied on the websites do not make the user exempt from consulting a doctor, and in case of a pathology, from medical treatment.
In any event, consulting a doctor is highly recommended before using the websites.
Access to the ELDOGENCY® SAS websites is prohibited to minors, to which these websites are not designed for. Using the contents and tools supplied by the ELDOGENCY® SAS on these websites does not in any event substitute a personalized and individualized consultation with a dietitian.
The contents and tools made available by ELDOGENCY® SAS on these websites are only meant to support the motivation of the user and do not supply dietary advice.
ELDOGENCY® SAS does not assume liability if the user does not obtain the results expected.
ELDOGENCY® SAS does not guarantee that the contents and the tools on their websites will completely satisfy the user’s expectations.
According to the law of Data Protection of January 6th, 1978, each user has the right of access to his personal data and the right to rectify any such data. This right can be exercised by simply sending a letter to ELDOGENCY SAS 12 rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris, or by email at info@eldogency.com.
The Eldolink® team is working 24/7 and 365 days a year. Your audience is constantly monetized!

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